Climate and Inclusion Committee
Princeton Minorities and Philosophy (MAP)
The Princeton chapter of the national MAP organization shares its mission to address structural injustices in academic philosophy and to remove barriers that impede participation in academic philosophy for members of marginalized groups. Towards that end, the Princeton chapter conducts workshops and speaker series for graduates and undergraduates, including COMPASS, Princeton Workshop in Normative Philosophy (PWNP)and Princeton Workshop in Social Philosophy (PWISP).

Many Voices, One Future
Many Voices, One Future is Princeton University's central resource for greater diversity and inclusion.
This dedicated website contains a wealth of information and resources including staff, student and alumni networks as well as guidelines, training and workshops.

Racial Equity
With a focus on advancing racial equity in the Princeton University community, this dedicated website highlights University-wide and academic department initiatives and actions to expand opportunities, diversify the campus community and instill equity into its systems and practices, and provides an opportunity for members of the University community to contribute ideas, input and feedback.
Graduate School Access, Diversity & Inclusion
Programs, initiatives and resources for access, diversity and inclusion within the Graduate School for both current and prospective students.
Student Affinity Groups
The Graduate School provides support for the development and facilitation of both academic and community building events for students from historically underrepresented groups (HUGS) in graduate education. While our office sponsors a number of events and activities designed to benefit our students, community building events are also sponsored by some of our affinity student organizations.

Princetonians of Color Network
The primary mission of the Princetonians of Color Network (PCN) is to serve its members by helping to create an environment of equity and respect that attracts and values diverse individuals who are encouraged to contribute their perspectives to the overall success of an institution that stands in service to society.

Carl A. Fields Center
At the Fields Center, diverse perspectives and experiences of race, class, gender and their intersections are supported and challenged, questioned and answered. These values are cultivated through the celebration of heritage months, dialogues and discussions, our Princeton University Mentoring Program (PUMP) and the Carl Fields Fellows peer educator program.

The Women’s Center
Building upon a legacy of fierce activism and advocacy, the Center incorporates a commitment to inclusive and intersectional feminism, an approach that centers equity and racial justice, particularly for people of marginalized identities. Our mission is to recognize and redress historic and persistent gender inequality at Princeton and beyond.

Gender Equity and Title IX
The Office of Gender Equity and Title IX Administration provides information to students, faculty, and staff regarding resources and options related to sexual misconduct, including providing assistance in obtaining supportive measures.

LGBT Center
The Princeton University LGBT Center supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual students and employees by providing community-building, education, events and initiatives. Our work seeks to affirm and help students explore their many identities, including a/sexuality, a/gender, race, ability, religion and class.
Davis International Center
The Davis International Center offers specialized support for international students and scholars at Princeton University.
The Office of the Dean of the Faculty
The Office of the Dean of the Faculty is committed to expanding faculty diversity and promoting inclusion, and provides information on the University’s membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity.

American Philosophical Association
The American Philosophical Association provides a list of resources with information about diversity and inclusiveness within philosophy as well as strategies and best practices for improving the climate in the field for women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups
If you would like to add any additional resources to this page, or to update information, please contact: