Carl G. Hempel Lectures

The Hempel Lectures, as they have come to be known, is an annual series of three lectures sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, each on a separate topic within an overall theme.  The series began in 1961 when Norman Malcolm visited the department and gave a series of three lectures.  The "Three Lecture Series" was renamed in 1989 to honor Carl Gustav Hempel, a central figure in the development of logical empiricism and a friend and colleague of the Department of Philosophy, where he was the Stuart Professor of Philosophy from 1955 until his retirement in 1973.   A student of mathematics, physics and philosophy, Hempel is remembered not only for his contributions to the study of philosophy and his meticulous attention to the details of argument and definition, but also for his courtesy, kindness and generosity of spirit.  You can read more about Carl Gustav Hempel here.

Upcoming Carl G. Hempel Lectures

2025-2026: Nancy Cartwright (Durham University). Exact dates TBD.

Past Carl G. Hempel Lecture Series

John Hawthorne (USC):
"Act, Identity and Risk: Reflections on Normative Ethics"

Niko Kolodny (UC-Berkeley):
"Privacy and Its Violation"

Mark Andrew Schroeder (USC):
"Interpretive Objects: Meaning in Language, Life, and Law"

Michael Martin (University of Oxford):
"Uncovering Appearances"

Kwame Anthony Appiah (N.Y.U.):
"The Invention of Religion"

Cian Dorr (N.Y.U.):
"The Multiplicity of Meaning"

Sally Haslanger (M.I.T.):
"Ideology, Critique, and Conceptual Amelioration"

Tommie Shelby (Harvard):
"Incarceration as Punishment? Prison Abolition and Critical Theory"                                           

Dan Sperber (Central European University, Budapest/Institut Nicod, Paris):
"Rethinking Social Ontology"                         

Dorothy Edgington (Birkbeck, University of London):
"Suppositions, Uncertainty and Indeterminacy"