Ralf Bader
Université de Fribourg
Event Description
Saturday 8th February
10:00 -- 12:00 Kant on logic (pre-read paper)
12:00 -- 13:30 Lunch
13:30 -- 15:30 Is transcendental logic synthetic a priori? (pre-read paper)
15:30 -- 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 -- 17:00 From general practical philosophy to the metaphysics of morals (pre-read paper)
Sunday 9th February
10:00 -- 12:00 Transcendental and practical freedom (pre-read paper)
12:00 -- 13:30 Lunch
13:30 -- 15:30 Practical rules of exception (talk)
All sessions will be held in Wooten Hall Room 201. Sign up is possible here and the dropbox with the papers is here.
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