Fall '23 Courses

Course IDCourse TitleProfessorDay/TimeLocation
PHI 501Philosophy of Aristotle: Metaphysics GammaLorenz/MorisonTh, 10-12:50201 Wooten
PHI 513Topics in Recent and Contemporary PhilosophyKellyF, 10-12:50201 Wooten
PHI 516Special Topics in the History of PhilosophyGarberM, 1:30-4:20201 Wooten
PHI 519Normative EthicsNebelW, 9-11:50201 Wooten
PHI 525The Project of Moral TheoryHarman/RosenW, 1:30-4:20201 Wooten
PHI 538Philosophy of Physics: Spacetime and ObjectivityHalvorsonT, 9-11:50201 Wooten
PHI 550First-Year SeminarSmithT, 12-21879 Hall 121
PHI 560Second-Year SeminarMcGrathT, 12-21879 Hall 301
PHI 599Dissertation SeminarJohnstonT, 12:30-2:30201 Wooten
POL553/CLA535/PHI552/HLS552Political Theory, Athens to AugustineLaneW, 9-11:50301 Wooten