All questions about graduate work in Philosophy should be addressed to the Graduate Administrator, Brittany Masterson ([email protected]). The Department's address is:
Department of Philosophy,
Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544-1006
Please visit this website for our current application deadline and additional information.
Though this is the deadline for the receipt of the application and all supporting material, earlier applications are encouraged.
For information about applications, see the Graduate Admissions website. The application form is available here.
All applicants are reminded that they are required to submit a sample of their written work, in English, with their completed application. The writing sample is typically around 5000 words but should be no longer than 10,000 words. Those applying for the Classical Philosophy Program must submit a paper in the area of ancient philosophy and should make clear in the first sentence of their personal statements that they are applying to the program.
Each year a very small number of graduate students from outside Princeton join us as Visiting Student Research Collaborators (VSRC). Applications for VSRC status are made through the Graduate School, and require the sponsorship of a faculty member in the Department with whom the applicant proposes to work. Questions about the application process may be addressed to the Graduate Administrator, Brittany Masterson ([email protected]).