June 1, 2024
2023-2024 was a bumper year for Department of Philosophy graduate students on the academic job market. In the face of a highly competitive market, the Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the following seven grads received academic placements this year:
- Haley Brennan has received a New York University Bersoff Fellowship. Brennan works on Kantian, Early Modern, and Post-Kantian philosophy with other research interests in contemporary philosophy of mind and ethics.
- Claudia Dumitru has accepted a tenure track position at Yale. Dumitru’s research is mainly focused on early modern philosophy. She’s also interested in political philosophy, philosophy of science and ancient philosophy.
- Samuel Fullhart will be a post-doctoral associate at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Fullhart works primarily in the areas of ethics, the philosophy of action, and the theory of rationality, particularly where those topics overlap.
- Alice van’t Hoff has accepted a tenure track position at Texas A&M. Van’t Hoff works mainly in the areas of metaphysics and social philosophy, with a particular focus on ontological questions.
- Thomas Lambert was appointed to a tenure track position at Pitzer College. Lambert’s interests lie at the intersection of ethics, moral psychology, and the philosophy of action.
- Margaret Shea accepted a tenure track position at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Shea mainly works in the area of moral philosophy, although she is also interested aesthetics, particularly philosophy of literature.
- Christen Zimecki was appointed to a tenure track position at Wayne State. Zimecki specializes in ancient Greek and Roman moral psychology and political thought.
Congratulations to all!