Graduate Student Representatives and Committees

Each Spring the graduate students in the Philosophy Department elect two of their number to serve as Graduate Student Representatives for the following academic year.

Graduate Student Representatives 2024-25

Kieran Britt
[email protected]

Waner Zhang
[email protected]


The Graduate Student Representatives are expected to:

  • attend department meetings where they act as liaisons between graduate students and faculty, communicating the needs of the graduate students to faculty members and participating in departmental decisions, including decisions about the graduate curriculum, on behalf of the graduate students.
  • serve on the Appointments Committee where they play a role in the hiring choices of the department.
  • solicit volunteers for departmental committees that require graduate student members, including the committee responsible for organizing the annual Princeton-Rutgers Graduate Philosophy Conference.
  • assist in the recruitment of prospective graduate students, including initial communication about visits and arranging appointments and lodging.
  • welcome incoming graduate students by answering any questions they may have about the program, organizing orientation activities, and pairing them with older students in their areas of interest.
  • perform other responsibilities as required.

Classical Philosophy Program Graduate Student Representatives 

Each Spring the graduate students in the Classical Philosophy Program elect two of their number to serve as Graduate Student Representatives for the following academic year. The representatives for the 2024-2025 academic year are:

Antonio Kerstenesky
[email protected]

Lexie White (Department of Classics)
[email protected]


The Classical Philosophy Graduate Student Representatives:

  • act as liaisons between graduate students and faculty, communicating the needs of the graduate students to faculty members
  • organize social events
  • assist in the recruitment of prospective Classical Philosophy graduate students
  • welcome incoming Classical Philosophy graduate students by answering any questions they may have about the program, organizing orientation activities, and pairing them with older students in their areas of interest
  • perform other responsibilities as required


Graduate Student Committees 2024-25

PhilSoc (2)Ludovica Medaglia, Fanhao Meng
Social CommitteeChristopher Bottomley, Giulia Weißmann 
Course Allocation (2; Grad Reps)Kieran Britt, Waner Zhang
Classical Philosophy Program Representatives (2)Antonio Kerstenetzky, Lexie White
Early Modern Philosophy (1)Joao Carvalho
Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) (1)Megan Wicks
COMPASS (2)Daniel Klugman, Teddy Becker-Jacob, Sebastian Liu, Qichen Liang, Calvin Baker
Graduate Representatives (2)Kieran Britt, Waner Zhang
Prospectives' Visit Committee (2)Qichen  Yan, Jaehyun Hong
(MLE) Reading Group (1)
Job Market Gifts (1-2)Qichen Yan, Jaehyun Hong
Prospective Visits Gender Minority (1)Open
BIPOC Breakfasts/Meetings (1)Open
GSG Rep (1)Kieran Britt, Waner Zhang
Outreach (4)Zach Ottatti, Jake Schwartz, Dane Stocks


The Committees have no chairs.